Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship at Australian Universities 2022

Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship at Australian Universities. The Britain-Australia Society is taking applications for the Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship award to enable scholars normally resident in the United Kingdom to undertake a higher degree program at an Australian higher academic institution for up to three years in 2022.

The Britain-Australia Society holds a broad range of events in London and all through the nation from high-profile social occasions in exclusive locations to informal gatherings so that their members can mingle, share some great experiences, meet new friends, and assist to strengthen their bilateral understanding and collaboration.

The Rt Hon. Lady Alice Stephen Baroness Northcote was the spouse of Australia’s Third Governor-General and was a Dame of the British Empire and obtained the Star of India. She made a 1932 Will which had instructions to create the Northcote Trust.

Alice passed away on June 1st 1934 and William Waldegrave Palmer, Earl Selborne, was elected an executor to head the Trust. In 1975, the objective of the Trust was reaffirmed as:

“To help scholars resident in the United Kingdom by granting scholarships to enable them to school in universities and colleges in Australia”.

Income from invested Trust funds decides how many students are assisted every year but usually, there are 1 to 3 new PhD and/or MA scholars granted each year.

The Trust provides airfares, an allowance and all academic fees for up to 3 years. There is no restriction on the subject of study and past beneficiaries have comprised those studying turtle migration, glassworking, cancer treatment, coastal light pollution, regional security and ophthalmology, among many other disciplines.

Applications for the Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship award are evaluated by an expert group named the Executive Committee, which offers a shortlist and recommendation to the Trustees every year. See below for information about applying for the scholarship award.

Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship

The Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship provides:

  • visa costs
  • an economy return airfare to Australia
  • payment of mandatory university fees and charges
  • a generous quarterly living allowance

Eligibility for Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship

There is no restriction on the field of study. Candidates have be resident in the United Kingdom (or one of its dependencies or territories) and need to verify their own eligibility for a postgraduate program (MA or PhD) in Australia.

How to Apply

  • Application forms will be available on the website from May 26th.
  • The deadline for submitting applications is August 27th.
  • After the deadline, submissions are sent to an Evaluation Panel.
  • The Trustees then determine the scholarship recipient(s).
  • The decision is sent to all candidates about 2 months after submissions close (i.e. towards the end of October).

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Applications must be supported by:

  • A filled out Northcote Postgraduate Scholarship award application form which includes:
    – contact details
    – a summary CV
    – a statement from the candidate on the proposed program (1 or 2 pages)
    – a statement of why the study has to be taken on in Australia
  • Two recommendations from individuals able to evaluate the academic prospect and character of the candidate
  • A Firm Offer from the university. If no offer of admission has yet been gotten, then a statement from the host institution in Australia stating that program of study can be appropriately undertaken there and that the applicant is qualified and has been given provisional admission
  • The forms are then also available from The Northcote Trust Administrator:
  • Obligations of scholarship awardeesStudy has to start within one year of the award.
  • The flight out has to be taken within one year of the award
  • No funds above those stated will be entertained
  • The scholarship award is awarded for no longer than 3 years
  • Students are in charge of arranging their own visa, health cover, insurance etc.
  • An annual report (and half-year update) has to be submitted on progress and expenses. This has to be supported by course supervisors. Continuation of the award is dependent on satisfactory reports
  • A detailed report on conclusion of the study is also needed.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submitting applications is August 27, 2021.

Visit here for more information and to apply